Accessibility Reviews of Technology Purchases


Learn more about the accessibility review of technology purchase processes.



All information and communication technology (ICT) products and services from third-party vendors purchased or used at the University of Oregon must be accessible to people with disabilities. 


  • Software
  • Online services
  • Multimedia
  • Digital document creation
  • Web development
  • Hardware
  • and more. 

Procurements processed through Purchasing and Contracting Services (PCS) follow their accessibility review process before the product is purchased or the contract is signed. Products that don't go through PCS (including free or open-source products) can be submitted directly to the Digital Accessibility Architect for review and consultation.

The Procurement Accessibility Guide FAQ article provides an overview of how and why accessibility is included in procurement and explains what you need to do. 


For commercial off-the-shelf products, digital accessibility reviews typically take at least two weeks to complete and take significantly longer if a vendor does not respond promptly to our requests. There is an emergency deferral process for expedited situations (less than two weeks). 

Whenever possible, it's best to include accessibility in the early stages of the procurement process, for example, when drafting an RFP or exploring purchase options. Leaving accessibility considerations until the end of the process will delay the purchase. To avoid issues, submit a Request for Digital Accessibility Procurement Review or contact the Digital Accessibility Architect before you start working with PCS. 

In some qualifying circumstances, a product or service that is not fully accessible may need procurement. In those cases, the department responsible for the procurement must have an approved Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan (EEAAP)

PCS approves most website and software development contracts without a digital accessibility review. Instead, the vendor must first agree to appropriate contract terms, and the digital accessibility review takes place before the university can accept the vendor's deliverable. If there are accessibility issues, the vendor must address them before the university uses the materials or product.


More Information 



Article ID: 140716
Wed 3/20/24 5:20 PM
Wed 3/20/24 5:47 PM