Electronic Records Access Process



Information Services has a procedure for accessing an employee's electronic records by a department, unit, their family members, and others, who need those records for operational or other legitimate use. The full procedure is described in the Electronic Records Access Procedure

To simplify the process, the Information Security Office (ISO) has implemented a form that will provide a better procedure management.

Interacting with the Electronic Records Access Request form

  1. Anyone can make a request for access to electronic records, however the request needs to initiated by a University staff person using the Electronic Records Access Request form.
    • Persons not currently affiliated with the university or don't have a Duck ID account should contact the Technology Support Desk (TSD) using the Support Without UO Account service page.
    • The TSD will ensure they obtain the duckid and full name for the holder of electronic records requested.
    • The TSD will then pass the ticket to the IT support for the department that the individual who is subject of the Electronic Records Access Request. If the subject is no longer affiliated with the university, the ticket will be assigned to the IT staff who are responsible for supporting the subject's most recent department.
    • IT Unit will proceed with step 2 below.
  2. The requester needs to provide the following:
    • The type of record for which access is being requested
    • A description of the parameters of the data being requested
    • A basis for the request, along with a description to support the emergency circumstance for the request, applicable provisions supporting the request, and upload any additional supporting documentation
      • For a family requesting access to a family member records, these documents are examples of supporting documents: Power of Attorney (POA), living will or a signed written consent stating that the family requesting is a representative and can have access to the requested records.
        NOTE: Since some of these documents will have Personally Identifiable Information (PII), the departmental staff will collect the supporting document to upload to the request form.
    • An email address, first name, and last name for the individual making the request
  3. After saving the initial details for the request, the individual filling out the form needs to identify:
    • The email address of the technical staff member to perform the data access, retrieval, and/or validation
    • The email address of a top-level administrator from the college/department the record holder is associated with
      • Note: The individual requesting access CANNOT also approve the request
  4. Send the document out for approval
  5. General Counsel and the ISO will evaluate and approve
  6. Once all signatures have been collected, the requester (or TSD staff member if the request originated from a non-affiliated person) will log a ticket in the UO Service Portal if one hasn't already been created. This will route to the appropriate region and the technical staff member can proceed to collect data in accordance with the request and the limitations stated by the procedure.
    • Download the completed form with all approval signatures as pdf
    • Attach the pdf to a new ticket or a mechanism to resource administrator to get the requested Electronic Records

Note: The technical staff member will shepherd the process to completion.



Article ID: 139034
Thu 10/28/21 4:27 PM
Thu 12/19/24 4:16 PM

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